Now What: Pentecost

May 19, 2024    Alex Smith

In this powerful conclusion to our sermon series, we dive into the transformative events of Pentecost as described in Acts 2:1-6, 12-24, 36-41. After Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples find themselves asking, "What happens next?" The answer begins with seeking God in prayer.

Join us as Pastor Alex Smith explores how the Holy Spirit’s arrival on Pentecost not only changed the disciples but initiated a new era of community and transformation. We’ll see how Peter, once impulsive and uncertain, becomes a bold preacher of the Gospel, empowered by the Spirit. We’ll reflect on the miraculous signs that accompanied the Spirit’s descent—wind, fire, and speaking in tongues—and their profound significance.

Discover how the Spirit’s work at Pentecost extends to us today, urging us not to stay the same but to embrace the new creation we are in Christ. We’ll discuss the importance of community, love, and ongoing transformation through the Spirit’s power. This sermon reminds us that the gifts of the Spirit, whether miraculous or seemingly mundane, are given to bless the church and further God’s mission.

Whether you’re tuning in online or joining us in person, let’s commit together to be transformed and to build God’s kingdom. Don’t stay the same. Let the Holy Spirit lead you into a life of prayer, worship, service, and community.


Accept the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life.

Let the Holy Spirit guide your actions and decisions.

Use worship and prayer to connect deeply with God.

Engage with others intentionally for spiritual growth.

If you’re uncertain, simply ask for God’s grace.

Let’s build the kingdom together. Don’t stay the same.