After learning that she could drink from living water that would never run dry, the woman at the well in John 4 went and told the village that she had met the Messiah. Similarly, after walking to the empty tomb and encountering Jesus, Mary Magdalene immediately proclaimed to the rest of the disciples that she had seen the Lord. At The Orchard, our mission in Women’s Ministry is to create a place of worship where women can share the wonderful message of Jesus by digging deep into scripture through Grow Groups, be encouraged in their faith, build relationships with other women and reach out into our community.

You were not meant to walk alone.
We have fun, we support each other and do life together. We host several events throughout the year to bring all the ladies in the church and community together for some girl time.
We dig deep in scripture though our Ladies Grow Groups (Spring, and Fall), with video-based learning and discussion. If you are a woman seeking community or come be inspired as we will gather in grow groups, to grow in friendship, and spirituality.
We are encouraged in our faith when we see women surrounding one another in prayer. Whether it be, over a job that has ended, stepping our into God's calling for their lives, a marriage that is on the rocks, a kid that is struggling, a diagnosis for a loved one or a lump that the doctors aren’t sure about, we surround each other in prayer, love and encouragement.