Men’s Ministry at The Orchard exists to create meaningful CONNECTIONS. Connections that facilitate relationships, support, meaning and growth as we seek to follow Jesus in our everyday ordinary lives.
Our goal is to provide events and small groups that enable men to CONNECT:
… to connect with the presence of God.
… to connect our relationship with Jesus with the challenging realities of life.
… to connect with other men who are seeking to follow Jesus.
… to connect with the larger community through acts of service.
Our goal is to provide events and small groups that enable men to CONNECT:
… to connect with the presence of God.
… to connect our relationship with Jesus with the challenging realities of life.
… to connect with other men who are seeking to follow Jesus.
… to connect with the larger community through acts of service.
Our Wednesday night grow group meets from 6:30PM to 8PM. A grow group is a small group of people, who are seeking to know and follow Jesus, who gather on a regular basis to do life together, learning from one another.

Throughout the year, we gather to hangout, laugh and share some of the joys and struggles of life. Sometimes our events are as simple as a dinner in a local restaurant or a gathering in someone’s back yard.
Please email for more information on any of the men’s events.
Please email for more information on any of the men’s events.